Pro Ship Junko

Last Updated: 12:06 pm 6/3/2022

Do Not Interact

♡ Queerphobic + MOGAIphobic♡ Queer Eclusionist of any kind♡ Pro contact MAPs or Zoos♡ Anti paraphiles, especially non-offending ones / pro "thoughtcrimes"♡ Terf, Swerf, Merf, RadFem,
Misandrist, Mysoganist, Gender Critical, TransMed
♡ Anti BLM, Pro ALM♡ Pro Cop, Pro Blue lives matter♡ Pro life / Pro Abortion Ban♡ Anti Kin, Anti kin for fun, Anti kin as an umbrella term♡ SysMed, Violently Anti Endo, Dont Believe in Systems♡ Think F-tives are kinnies, Don't support introjects♡ Anti SFW age regression♡ Gatekeep Mental Illness, Anti Self DX, Abelist♡ You Support Harassment of any kind♡ Pro Cringe Culture♡ You reality check people without permission♡ You don't support people with delusions, Schizophrenia, NPD,
BPD, or any other "bad" mental illness
♡ Junko Enoshima Medium-High Kins/Irls/DAs/Roleplay blogs/etc. (introjects okay)♡ Jeff The Killer / Jeffery Woods Kins/Irls/DAs/Roleplay blogs/etc. (introjects okay)♡ Yasuke Matsuda Kins/Fictives/Irls/DAs/Roleplay blogs/etc.♡ You SelfShip with Shigaraki Tomura (Platonic/Familial is fine)♡ Your blog has anything to do with Bananas

Before You Follow

♡ We are a traumagenic/multigenic system of 100+♡ We have a hard time detecting tone, tone indicators are helpful♡ We are neurodivergent, disabled, and delusional♡ We have been professionally diagnosed with ADHD, Depression, PTSD, Anxiety, and Arthritis♡ We trigger tag very liberally, don't be afraid to ask for something to be tagged

Blog Info

♡ This is a discourse oriented blog♡ So, There will be discourse here, duh♡ Possibly triggering things are tagged, feel free to ask for us to tag something
However, we will not tag queer as any variation of a slur, anything else is fair game
♡ Our tagging system is [thing] cw, cw [thing], [thing] tw,
tw [thing], or [thing] mention/ment
(no brackets)
♡ There will be the occasional non discourse / proship posts♡ We occasionally make posts with typing quirks, all posts with a typing quirk will have a translation / unquirk version under the cut

Personal Tags

Feel free to ask for a tag!

Peachy :: 🍑Berri / Xanny :: 🍓Potat :: 👁️🥔Dovey :: 🕊️Lotte :: ☀️Kayos :: 💚Hy :: 💀💗Shouto :: ❄️️Scar :: 🔺💉Ibuki :: 🌈💜Ren :: 🎶Sou :: 🍀Shinji :: 🍱Ebi-Furai-No-Shitpost :: 🍤Kazzie :: 🍉Karma :: 🔪💮Komaiji-Official :: 🏀KingOfTheBouncyCastle ::
Sebastian and Co :: 🕸️🥀Muse-On-Wheels :: 🎼🛒Lamb :: 💞👥

Discourse Opinions

♡ Trans rights are human rights♡ MOGAI, Micro Labels, The Split Attraction Model, Mspec Gays, Xenogenders, Neopronouns etc. are all real things and aren't hurting anyone by existing, most of them are even historical♡ Aro/Ace/Demi/Polyam people are lgbt♡ Pronouns =/= gender♡ Gender and Sexuality are complicated,
let people identify however they want
♡ Systemhood is also complicated, let systems exist. Yes, this includes non-traumagenic systems.♡ I don't care what 2 or more consenting adults do as long as
they aren't hurting anyone
♡ Kink and Queer history go hand in hand but the kink and queer
communities aren't inherently related
(aka just cause someone is kinky that doesn't
make then queer )
♡ Kids shouldn't be hit. at all.♡ You shouldn't hate someone for something
they cant control (race, queerness, disabilities, etc.)
♡ Kin is an umbrella term♡ "Kinnie" isn't a slur♡ People who kin for fun are just as valid as people who don't♡ Kinning for fun doesn't make you anti otherkin / spiritual-kin♡ Lesbian and gay have always and will always remain / be umbrella terms♡ No good ever comes from gatekeeping♡ Paraphilias arent inherently dangerous. Some PEOPLE can be, but paraphilias themselves are not♡ "Reverse Racism" isn't a thing. It's just normal racism.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I join your server?
Yep! Here's the promo post!
What is your opinion on endogenic systems?
They're totally valid!
Why is it taking me so long to get into your server?
Please check the server FAQ for this!
How Old Are You?
19ish! Though bodily we are 18
What does proship mean
Proship means anti harassment. Proship means you believe people should be allowed to enjoy or create any type of media in fiction; even if you personally don't like it. It does NOT mean problematic shipper or pro pedophilia. At all. though you can visit this carrd of mine for more info
What are the flag(s) in your icon?
As of 3/11/2022 the flag in my icon is my pro paraphilia proship flag
What is reality checking?
Reality checking is when someone breaks someone's delusions or psychosis (or attempts to) to “bring them back to the real world”. Examples of this can include telling someone their hallucinations arent real, telling someone with MCS (main character syndrome) that they arent the main character, telling people they arent a character, telling someone with OLD (obsessive love disorder) that their obsession doesn't love them, etc.
Why is reality checking bad?
For a lot of people, it can cause panic attacks, from mild to severe. It can also break years of coping someone has done if it happens to involve something that isn't ""real"", and many other things. It's also just a shitty thing to do in general
How do I know if I'm a system?
I'm not the best to ask this, sorry
Are you seriously [XYZ label from PowerPoint in mod info]?
Yes<3 die made about it

SOME of My Flags

These Are Flags That I Have Made, Please Credit Me If You Use Them
Or See Them Used Somewhere.
Not All Are Here, Just The Ones That I've Posted Publically Onto My Proship Tumblr.

Pro Ship Flag

Original + Colour FixedFor an alt colour fix (not by me) click here

Self Shipper & Proship Self Shipper Flags

KodoCon Flags

LoliCon Flags

ShotaCon Flags

Proship4Proship / Proshipian Flags

Whump / Angst Flags

IRL Flag

Selfcest Flag

Proship System Flags

ProParaShip / Paraphile Proshipper Flags

Queer Proship Flags

In Order:Demisexual, Demiromantic, Demisexual & Demiromantic, Abromantic 1, Abromantic 2, Polysexual 1, Polysexual 2, Pansexual 1, Pansexual 2, Omnisexual 1, Omnisexual 2, MSPEC 1, MSPEC 2, Bisexual, Gay / MLM, Lesbian / Sapphic

Mod Info

♡ My Name Is Junko♡ My Current Preferred Pronouns Will Be In My Desc♡ I am a transmasc genderfag goregender labelhoarding polyamourus abromantic genderfluid arospec mspec gayIf you want to know my entire label hoard here it is♡ Although they are not on the doc above I also ID as Proshipian and Proshipcoric♡ I am our systems host♡ I am non-human system member ; I am also alterhuman and otherkin♡ I am also a Jeff The Killer fictive♡ I am transage, and an agehoarder! My main labels are fictiage and ageflux♡ I am heavily neurodivergent, disabled, paranoid, and delusional♡ I am a trauma and abuse survivor♡ I am a queer faggot. you cannot take these labels away from me.♡ My favourite colours are Red, Purple, and Blue!♡ I am delusional about multiple things, please do not reality check me♡ I do not owe you an explanation as to why certain things are on my DNI♡ I block VERY liberally